Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mirror Lake

Fished Mirror Lake from roughly 11:00 - 2:00.  It was 39 degrees when we got there. Dad won most fish with 5.  Stockett won first fish - a nice brook.  I won most fish species (rainbow, brook, tiger).  We caught 12 total with most success on green and black woolly buggers.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Butterfly Lake

Fished butterfly lake during the early afternoon with dry flies.  I caught 4 and Dad caught 10.  Mostly Tigers, then a few Brooks and Albinos.  Best fly was a dark mayfly and the second best (but not even close to the dark mayfly) was a small blue dragon fly pattern.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Henry's Fork

Fished the box canyon section of the Snake River during the late afternoon.  Had lots of success with hoppers.  We didn't try nymphing but the boat's that were floating down seemed to have success with both nymphs and dries.  I think everything we caught was a small brook.  I don't recall the exact numbers I think I had 4 or 5 and Stockett had a few himself.  However we probably missed like 30 fish.  Fish constantly were hitting the hoppers but were missing.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Christmas Meadows (Bear River)

Fished the christmas meadows area with Stockett in the Uintas.  Stream was quite full and we had a hard time identifying where the holes and pockets were.  Fished both nymphs and dries but struck out.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Willard Bay

Took Dad to the same place I went two weeks ago.  This time we tried white bugger and minnow imitation patterns.  No luck this time either.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Willard Bay

Fished the south marina area for a few hours in the morning by myself.  Trolling gray and white minnow baits (wasn't fly fishing).  No bites no nothing.  Didn't see anybody else with a fish either.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Green River

Definitely my most favorite fishing trip to date.  Dad and I got a fishing guide from the Flaming Gorge Resort and floated down section A.  An excellent 8 hour fishing trip that started at 8 AM and resulted in a lot of fish.  Dad had 17 and I had 14 and they were mostly all large and fat.  Not sure if this was accurate but It seemed like it was browns in the morning and rainbows in the afternoon.  The river flow was super high and this didn't affect our fishing at all.  Used a large weighted scud and san juan worm and fished along the bottom.